Friday 23 November 2018

6 Tips to Be a Truly Great Parent ~ Sadguru

Sadhguru: A few hundred years ago, John Wilmot, an English lord, said something significant about parenting: “Before I got married, I had six theories about bringing up children. Now I have six children and no theories.” So what should you do in terms of parenting? Look back at yourself when you were a child – what kind of parents would have been the best? Remember what it was like to be a child, and you will clearly know.

Unfortunately, people have been made to believe that children are all born improper and we have to correct them, which is not true. If you look at parents and children, generally, at least children below ten years of age are definitely more joyful. Then who should be the consultant for life – those who are more joyful, or those who are falling apart within themselves because they do not know how to handle their offspring? Children want to emulate what you do. If you set an example as someone worth looking up to, you do not have to do much parenting.

#1 Evaluate Yourself
Before you decide to have a child, you must evaluate yourself in every aspect – the way you sit, stand, speak, and react to situations. Ask yourself, if you were a five-year-old, would you like and look up to this person? Another thing you could do is spend sufficient time with children to see if they like you, and if you like them. This way, a lot of wisdom would blossom, and fertility clinics would close down.

#2 Create the Right Atmosphere
If you already have a child, all you have to do is create a loving, supportive, and invigorating atmosphere. There is really nothing to teach. You came here a few years earlier than the child. What you know about life that the child does not know are just a few tricks of the world, how to survive and how to make a living. But you do not know a deeper dimension of life. These tricks need not be taught to children too early. They will learn them later on. Right now, when a child enters your life, it is time to learn, not to teach. Children may not know what is dangerous, what is nice, and things like that. But hopefully you have a certain wisdom about life around you, which children may not have. If they are moving towards danger, exercise your wisdom. Otherwise, children are able to conduct life more joyfully than you. Learn those aspects from them.

Do not teach them commandments that have not worked for you, and that you yourself could never follow. In every society, there are some kinds of commandments. If everyone practiced them, the world would be very different. Obviously no one practiced them, but still these commandments survived because people teach them to their children. If you want your children to be better than you, the first thing you have to do is to establish integrity, because wherever they go, this will sustain them. If you try to teach your children things that you are not able to follow yourself, obviously they will see through that after some time. Your words and your behavior should match. If you create a loving and vibrant atmosphere, they will be fine.

#3 Skip the Toys, Climb a Tree
You have to physically nourish and mentally ignite children about things. The simplest way is to take them out into nature, where everything, from an insect to a flower, is exciting. But most parents today want to buy some stuff, throw it in the children’s room, lock it – everything is padded so that they cannot hurt themselves – and the parents can go to a party. That is not parenting.

Billions of dollars are spent every year on toys for twenty to thirty percent of the children on the planet, while the remaining seventy percent never get a toy in their lives. Those who are bought these toys are the ones who suffer most, on a mental and emotional level. The others may suffer because of lack of nutrition and other basic requirements. But the affluent ones are going through inner turmoil.

If instead, you take the trouble of taking your children out, making them climb a tree, walking somewhere with them, taking a swim or some such thing, the child will grow up physically and mentally healthy.

#4 Prepare Yourself for a 20-Year Project
Once you have a child, it is a twenty-year project – if they do well. If they do not do well, it is a lifelong project. If you are not ready for that, you should not get into it. Unfortunately, many couples think that for their marriage to survive, they have to have a child. A child is not a personalized project. We are creating the next generation. In some way, the next generation should be at least one step ahead of where we are. If we do not aspire and work towards that, we should not have children. What is the point if the next generation is going to be just like us, nothing more?

And above all, humanity is not on the verge of extinction – there is no need for everyone to reproduce. It almost looks like we are trying to compete with the insect population in terms of numbers. It is time we slow down in many respects.

Those who decide to have children must have dedicated time for them, because this is about making the next generation better than who we are. And above all, you must fix yourself. You must be a kind of a person the child will look up to and love to be with. Then, even time can be adjusted. If they are really looking up to you, five minutes of contact can be worth five days.

The responsibility of having a child requires involvement. Suppose you made the mistake of having a child without being able to offer the necessary involvement, please hand over the child to someone who is loving, caring and joyful, someone who is able to give his or her life to the child. You can provide the financial support. Whether they are the biological parents or not – the child does not care. Whoever is most loving, most joyful, is the one who children would like to hang around with.

#5 Explore the Positive and Wonderful World
Nowadays it’s not uncommon to find three-year-old kids glued to the television or smartphone screen. And we don't know what they are taking in and how they understand what's shown there because even you can't figure what's going on. One moment, somebody is talking about creating a beautiful world, the next moment there is a bombing happening, the next moment something else.

Every parent needs to think about what they want to expose their children to. The exposure that they have had is what will stick with them for life, not a moral teaching. You must expose them to all the positive, wonderful things in life. Positive things do not mean right versus wrong – simply life the way it is.

This may sound extreme, but I think if people want to have children, they should be ready to withdraw with them to a natural space for at least two months in a year, rather than living in city burrows or bird nests of apartments. Even if you have to live in a tent somewhere, children need to be in nature if you want them to be physically and mentally healthy and balanced, which is the most important thing.

#6 Provide Emotional Security
The number of people going crazy today is too large. In the European Union for example, which has enjoyed economic wellbeing for much of the last two centuries, thirty-eight percent of the population has psychological problems. This is mainly because they grew up in conditions where they were uncared for. There was emotional insecurity even about their parents. They did not know if their mother or father would leave them at some point. Now as adults, there is serious emotional insecurity about their spouses and partners. That man or that woman may leave you anytime. When there is no emotional security, human beings become psychologically imbalanced. If you want a generation of people to be productive, they either must be conscious or they must have emotional security – otherwise, they will go crazy. We have destroyed all these things, and then we wonder why we are not living well, why our children are acting crazy, why our children are shooting someone or shooting themselves. This is so because right from childhood, there is no emotional security.

For most people, I would say emotions make up at least eighty percent of who they are. Being such a big power, if you do not harness your emotions, if you do not make them into a positive force in your life, they can smother and destroy you. Today, being emotional is equated with having negative emotions. When we say someone became very emotional, it means he went a little crazy. We have to change this concept in the world. Why do we not acknowledge that joy, bliss, love, devotion and ecstasy are emotions?

Emotional security is absolutely important, because emotions are still the largest dimension of most human beings. If one becomes really conscious, then emotions do not matter. But until then, emotions play a significant role. So, if we want to bring up our children well, there should be a loving atmosphere around them all the time – not just at home, but also in school and on the street.

Source :

Role Of Parents In Child Upbringing ~ Brahmarshi Patriji

Medical Doctors and PhD Scientists Speak Out Against Vaccinations

Below is a list of videos (and some articles) where medical doctors and PhD scientists come forward to discuss the unhealthy effects of vaccines. Each professional presents documented research, facts and statistics to prove, when taken in its’ totality, that 1) vaccines aren’t safe 2) vaccines aren’t effective 3) vaccines haven’t been proven to increase immunity or resistance to disease and 4) that vaccines only decrease the health of the people they’re injected into. Vaccines are also proven and documented in many cases to kill instantly and cripple for life. The situations of instant child death and permanent injury, due to vaccination, are well documented in the linked information.

Source :
Doctors Warning Against Vaccines -
Vaccines and Their Direct Link to Autism -
The Polio Vaccine Lie Explained -
The HPV Gardasil Cervical Cancer Vaccine Fraud -
5 Vaccine Facts Very Few Are Aware Of -

What is Spiritual Parenting ~ Brahmarshi Patriji

Source :

Tuesday 2 October 2018

ETL Books - Total Development Program

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Contact below to get more info about the "ETL Books & Products",
Anitha Pindi
ETL Learning
+91 99027 61761

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Mindful Parenting - Testimonial #4

I started my Meditation practice from the year 2002, it is a great journey which completely transformed my life.

I have a 4 years old kid, his name is Amara. During pregnancy i was in complete communication with my baby. I used to talk to the baby continuously. I used to tell the baby that 'you will be healthy! strong! and I will have a easy and normal delivery'. It got manifested in the same way. I delivered Amara without huge pains and it was a normal delivery. I enjoyed the process of delivering him consciously, which is a grandest experience for any mother. It all happened due to my Meditation.

We decided not to give any vaccinations to him which poises his body. I believe firmly that Meditation and right food keeps us healthy always. I cook pure satvik vegetarian food all the three times in a day and serve him hot.

As every kid, my kid too is highly energetic. Understanding his energy needs to be properly channeled, i do lot of activities and doing by best to engage him continuously. Kids can do all the works a mother does in the kitchen; if we allow kids without stopping them, they become perfectionists and they learn a lot. Right from the age of 2, Amara used to engage himself in peeling, cutting vegetables, churning buttermilk, sorting veggies to different bags, pouring groceries into respective tins, mopping, watering plants etc., which he enjoys the most even now. Helping me in kitchen and engaging himself in cooking is a great activity for him. Not just cooking but he also enjoys serving food to guests and his dad especially. Kids in general, loves to take up responsibilities and want to be very independent and only matured parents can understand this early. They may be tiny in size but treat them as adults but with supervision allow them to do everything we do. By supporting them in everything they do we become good friends to them otherwise we only remain as parents forever by stopping all their activities and freedom.

Music plays a very important role in kids life, it keeps them calm, relaxed and balanced. Music player is always played in my home and this is a practice i developed from my pregnancy days. Amara keeps singing his own songs when he is deeply involved in performing any activities. He loves to learn and sing Bhagavad Gita everyday.

Amara has a personal library of 100+ books which is categorised into knowledge, Cognitive, Stories, Math & English and he spends effectively with books around 1 hour each day. We bought these books from ETL. Anything and everything he sees in the outside world has a section in those books which helps Amara to connect with them. Thanks to ETL.

Nature is the best place where kids can connect, learn, observe and enjoy to the core. I regularly take him to parks and nature places, thanks to South Bengaluru for so many parks. Amara loves to touch, feel and smell the fragrances of every flower; touching, hugging and climbing trees makes him feel like heaven, observing the birds and those chirps, watching insects gives him a great joy. Gardening activity is a must and should activity. His favourite place is Pyramid Valley, as it's known for it's place for Mother Nature and Meditational Energies with 160 feet Pyramid.

Painting with natural colours, painting with bare hands, playing with mud and clay, solving puzzles, playing with blocks are some of the activities he is involved everyday. Being busy in this natural world keeps him completely away from television, mobile phone and other gadgets. There are no toys in our home, every object is a toy for him.

The common complaint i hear from many parents is 'My kid is all time with phone or other gadgets, My kid gets bored easily, My kid throws or breaks things, My kid eats junk food a lot'. My only advise is engage them in natural activities and be an example above all. Parents should be very creative in bringing up the child so that their high energies can be channelised properly. Parenting is an art, its not a practice. Parents must stop using mobile phones and watching television too much to set as an example, kids learn by observation not by advices.

Parenting brought my inner child out and i started enjoying my life more and Amara made me a true Zen master. Happy Parenting!
Saya #Anitha, a good Meditator and Mother

How Sadhguru Raised His Daughter

Source - You Tube - ISHA FOUNDATION

Thursday 13 September 2018

The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J Siegel - Audiobook

Let the Kids play in the Mud

Mud is an excellent medium for learning. The release of serotonin that occurs when playing in Mycobacterium Vaccae dirt has also been shown to improve cognitive function. It allows children to play at their own developmental level. Also, Mud and Soil has natural energy and micronutrients in it. Playing with it helps build immunity in children and also develops the sense of touch and smell in them.

Mud Play is a sensory experience. Therefore, provides an abundance of things for children to talk about. The Mud offers a platform for them to practice many of these life skills.

1. Emotional Development - Plays a Role in Our Mood. Mud Makes us Happier!

2. Social Development - Inspires caring for the environment.

Connection to Nature: Think how vital it is in today’s world to get children outdoors to reconnect with nature. With nature-deficit disorder on the rise, Mud play creates memories and a relationship with our Earth.

3. Physical Development - Builds Stronger Immune Systems

Scientific Studies: Think about the kids who get really dirty and how often they get sick. Now think about the kids who are constantly applying antibacterial potions and never going outside.

You will find it is the dirty kids who are healthier. Scientific studies show the same microscopic bacteria in the dirt that can make you happier have also proven beneficial to the immune system.

Benefits the Heart and Skin -

Therapeutic: Adults pay good money for mud bath spas — a secret that children have known all along. Mud relaxes and soothes! This is all good for us!

4. Physical Development, Social & Cognitive - Invites a Total Sensory Experience

Sensory Play: Think of soaking your hands in a bucket of cold, mushy mud. Ahhhhh….. What is happening to you? Are you loving it? Or, is this a difficult thing to do?

Research shows that sensory play builds nerve connections in the brain’s pathways, which lead to the child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks. 

Source -

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Replace Plastic Toys

Place a basket of various play materials for a complete sensorial experience. Allow the kid to choose what they want to play with. Items can be a soft toy, wooden blocks, a soft edged spoon, a string of beads, unbreakable bottles filled with Rajma or a small bottle with elachi(cardamom) or cinnamon which has good fragrance.

Babies touch, smell and taste the materials for their sensorial experiences, care should be taken too avoid giving anything which is made of plastic as it is highly harmful.

Mindful Parenting - Testimonial #3

I was introduced to ANAPANASATI meditation in the year 2012, soon all my family members started with meditation..

I was practicing meditation for 3-4 hours since I conceived.
In my entire period of pregnancy, I consumed daily 3 types of fruits, vegetables and more of green leafy vegetables. It gave me more lightness and freshness. I never got sick and never took any medications. I hardly had outside food, that too 3-4 times in my third trimester.

During the fourth month of pregnancy I met Patriji in my dreams and informed him about my pregnancy and he gifted me a beautiful angel.
Once in my meditation I saw a beautiful light violet flower blossoming and gave an intuition that a great soul is going to be born through me.

My husband communicated with the baby for 2-3 times in his dreams. I was constantly conversing with the baby and the baby was responding more to my veena practice, to my husband singing, to our delicious food preparations, to Partriji's audios and flute music.

I made affirmations to deliver baby normally and with the grace of the universe I delivered baby normally. Before going to labour ward I meditated for 3hrs and in labour ward also I was constantly observing my breath and gave birth conciously.

Along with my baby's birth, even I had taken rebirth as a mother where I started learning and implimenting new things in my motherhood with awareness.

In my post pregnancy from the day one, I used to place baby on my lap and was meditating for ten minutes and increased gradually.

Thanks to my baby for choosing me as his mother. Me and my husband are eagerly waiting to learn from this great soul.

And we both advice all pregnant ladies to meditate for at least 3-4hours a day; provide peaceful environment at home because this is very precious and sensitive period of every pregnancy; listen more of light music and spiritual audios; have more light and balanced food(self cooking is preferable), avoid outside food as much as possible.

For young parents, give complete freedom to your children; they know the road to their purpose, we just have to be the headlights of their vehicles during their journey. Initiate them into meditation at the age of five. To teach them spirituality, first we should implement spirituality. Kids are sharp observers and they follow what we do. They can sense our thoughts and emotions in infancy. Parents should give comfort and assurance to the children constantly.

Welcome happily and with lots of unconditional love to the coming masters.. And enjoy parenthood.

Says #SahanaSubramaniamdancer and a musician by passion..A young passionate mother who's giving her best to become a mindful and spiritual parent.


Learning through Listening

Parents should expose kids to learn all kinds of music. This can be done by buying miniature models of instruments which has perfect rhythm. Listening musical notes at early age will help them in their later stages of life to learn easily.

Unconscious Eating Patterns

While children watching T.V. and having food, they dwell into it and stop enjoying the taste of the food. Unconsciously they take in all the emotions of the character shown in the T.V. and this creates huge impact on their minds.

Children also tend to eat more quantity of food unconsciously, which leads to Obesity. Slowly they get into a pattern where they eat only when the T.V. is turned on.

Rather parents can convert the T.V. time into Family time by dining together, which helps the kids to enjoy their food and eat the right quantity needed.

Teach Spiritual Values to Kids

So many Child Masters have taught humanity the lessons of Love, Tolerance, Compassion, Divinity and the true nature of God. We are all familiar with the stories of Dhruva, Nachiketa and Prahalada - all of whom had to conquer very difficult circumstances in their childhoods to realize their God-hood very early in life. Infant Jesus guided the stars to help people locate him during his birth. Little Krishna taught evil Kamsa lessons as a baby. Guru Nanak led an entire village in singing devotional Kirtans when he was just four years old - much to the surprise of his father and village people. Kabir boldly declared he was both a Hindu and a Muslim in his childhood despite beatings and insults from members of both religious communities.

Sharing stories of Children Saints/Masters with kids is one of the best ways to teach Spiritual Values to children.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Osho Rajneesh On Parenting

You will be gone soon but the children will be here.

And nobody can manage anybody else's life.

Though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts; for they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,
for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit even in your dreams.

God will take care. It is none of our business to be too concerned.

Whatsoever we can do, we do, but one should not hanker about things going the way one wants. That is very egoistic

You have given birth to a child, but once
he is out of the womb, he is free of you.

First he depended for his breath on you when he was in the womb. Then he will take his
own breath.

You don't say
'What are you doing?
Are you trying to be
free of me? Trying to
be independent?'

Feel happy that your child is breathing.

First he will take milk from you, then one day he will start eating on his own.

First he will go on clinging to your apron and then one day he will leave it.

You will be happy because the child is growing, becoming mature. 

Bless them, and whatsoever happens they have to find their own life and their own meaning to life.

Now you are free.

Just try to find your meaning, your life, your goals, and devote the few days that are left to the search of the ultimate.

Don't be concerned with ordinary things.

I have never seen a single parent who is
happy about their children. 

Nobody is ever happy. Even the father of Buddha. was not happy. 

He was very annoyed because his son turned out to be a beggar. He became a sannyasin
and the father was hoping he would become an emperor. He crushed all his
father's hopes. 

One thing is certain-- that the child is not here to fulfill your expectations.

The child is here with his own destiny, and
he will unfold his own destiny. 

You are trying somehow to direct his destiny
and that is going to be frustrated.

Accept it and bless them. 
They have to find their own ways.

Who are we to interfere? 
And how can we?

Pray for them but leave them on their own.

Mindful Parenting - Testimonial #2

At the age of 7, my father took me to Satya Sai Baba Mandir and introduced Baba's concepts.

Baba always used to talk about Satyam, Ahimsa, Shanthi and Prema.

Since a very early age, all those got imprinted in my mind which made me to be loving and kind to everyone around.

At the age of 8, he started practising yoga. Because he knew children won't listen if it is said, but they will imitate what parents do.
That made me to become a passionate yoga student.

He used to narrate Bhagavad Gita Slokas and Ramayana, Mahabharat stories in his free time. 

That was his way of making me understand the essence of life.

At the age of 9, he introduced SSY(Sidha Samadhi Yoga) to me. 
I learnt how to be polite and respectful towards Gurus.

At the age of 10, he introduced me to Pyramid society and taught Meditation. He introduced me to the founder of Pyramid Spiritual Society Movement, Brahmarshi Patriji, who always used to say:

1) Be kind and compassionate towards animal and plant kingdom.

2) Be aware on what you speak.

3) Be Positive always.

4) You create your own reality.

Those words could change me completely. I realised that everyone should be treated equally irrespective of what they are because God resides in all.

At the age of 11, he resigned his government job as a civil engineer and started his full time service in constructing pyramids. That incident completely made me understand that; Everyone will have their own purpose of life. And we should always go with what our inner voice says and not with what the external world expects from us.

At the age of 15, when I was left with chicken pox marks on the face and kept on worrying seeing myself in mirror- he said beauty is not something that is related to physical appearance. 
And that is why I try to be beautiful from within always.

At the age of 16, when I suffered from jaundice, without giving medication- he supported me to cure myself with the help of Fasting therapy. He said: Body heals itself If provided proper environment and rest. That day I have decided to become a naturopath and I am today. A proud naturopath preaching everyone that Body heals itself. Respect your body.

At the age of 17, when I couldn't secure enough marks in mathematics exam to pass, he said education is not to measure your talent, Take another chance and move ahead in your life. Worrying is not the solution but work for it.

In the same year, when I got seat in a far college and didn't wanted to go away from him, he said- If my love and friendship is stopping you from reaching your goal; there is no use of my presence in your life.

At the age of 20, we both went to Himalayas as per my long term dream and wish.
He asked to stop the car near a hill and said: What are you going to do if a landslide occurs here right now ?
I didn't had an answer. And he said, Remember to be happy always irrespective of what is happening around you as nothing is permanent in life. 

At the age of 22, he told me to finish my master's too as the world is waiting for me and I have to rock on.

At the age of 24, he always says me: Dude, don't worry about your life partner. You will always get what you wish for. So be aware on what you wish :p (Law of attraction he taught me)

Through out my journey of 24years with him, till today...

I see a friend in him.

I see Kindness.

I see a guide.

I see a Guru.

I see a responsible father.

I see support.

I see encouragement.

I see concern.

I never saw anger.

I never saw competition and comparison.

I never saw frustration.

I never saw judgement.

I call him as Nani and he never asked why are you calling me with a Nick name.

He never bossed me saying respect me, I am not your friend to be called with a Nick name.

He is my inspiration for #Mindfulparenting

I am greatful and Proud to say that I am the daughter of a mindful Parent.

Because a mindful Parent is the one who spends qualitative time in upbringing his child, teaches life's morals and ethics, encourages and support's without judging and after all who is courageous to answer the world who questions' saying Aren't you spoiling your daughter with too much freedom ????

He is the man behind the screen who inspires me every moment to achieve more and more and more in life.

Hike It Baby: 100 Awesome Outdoor Adventures with Babies and Toddlers

New parents and parents of toddlers face unique challenges when it comes to planning outdoor trips. “Family-friendly trail” is often a misleading phrase, and doesn’t take young children under the age of 5 into consideration, whose safety and comfort require a different perspective. The unpredictable nature of little ones leads many parents to put their adventure dreams on the back burner, missing out on years of meaningful experiences as a family.

Hike it Baby presents 100 outdoor adventures across the U.S. that you can take with babies and toddlers (really!), along with everything you need to know about exploring the natural world. Sourced from real families using Hike it Baby’s trail-tested system, this book helps moms and dads get out there in their comfort zone, yet feel like hardcore adventurers! Whether you’ve always wanted to hike part of the Appalachian Trail, splash around in gentle Northwest waterfalls, or scramble up rocks in the desert surrounded by Joshua Trees, this book shows you how to plan a truly memorable journey together.

Buy the book - 

Forms of Nature Engagement

  1. Environmental living context / green settings (e.g. green neighborhoods)
  2. Free play in nature (e.g. building a fort in the woods)
  3. Green exercise (e.g. taking exercise regimen outdoors)
  4. Outdoor recreation (e.g. hiking, camping, sledding)
  5. Outdoor play activity (e.g. playing tag, chasing, games)
  6. Learning in nature - Academic subjects (e.g. math, reading)
  7. Learning in nature - Environmental education
  8. Learning in nature - Place-based education
  9. Learning in nature - Green schoolyards/school gardens
  10. Learning in nature - Nature kindergartens/preschools/forest schools
  11. Viewing nature- View out a window
  12. Viewing nature- View through screen/technology
  13. Back country adventure/travel
  14. Engagement with wild animals (caring for, observing, …)
  15. Gardening, agriculture, foraging
  16. Volunteer and stewardship activities (e.g. trail work, stream clean-up)
  17. Therapeutic use of nature (e.g. therapeutic animal, horticultural therapy, shinrin-yoku)
  18. Technological nature (e.g. robotic pets, remote gardening)
  19. Use of technology in nature (ipad, smart phone)
  20. Nature engagement as a family
  21. Day visit to a park (picnicking….)
  22. Pet ownership
  23. Intentional engagement with challenge/risk

Parenting Principles from Bhagavad Gita

There are two streams of thoughts that underline Krishna's message.

One is Enlightenment and the other is Encouragement. 
Enlightenment tells us what we should do. Not just what should we do, but also why should we do it . 
Along with that; Encouragement gives us the confidence that we can do it. 

When there is only enlightenment without encouragement.. When a parent says Do this. Well, I can't do it becomes an answer from.the child. They consider it as a command. 

On the other hand, if there is only encouragement without enlightenment- there will not be upliftment. 

Broadly speaking, Parents can be classified into 4 categories.
1) Parents are expected to; on one side offer love to their children and the other side also offer guidance. Offering guidance means also discipline. That is what you should do or this is what you should not do. 

2)And there are some parents', who offer neither love nor discipline. The child live in his own world and the parents will live in their own world. The parent will be busy watching TV all the day or busy with work and the child too will be busy with his own things. 

3) Next category of Parents offer love but no discipline. They say 'I love you, do whatever you want' . There is no guidance there. There is no enlightenment there. They give freedom without responsibility. Such child may end up standing in the middle of the road and thinks it is the correct way. Or end up hurting his friends.

4) The other kind offer only discipline and no love. Do that. Do this. This is authoritarian, that becomes dictatorial. Because the children are subordinate to parent, they may go down and obey but when they grow older they just rebel. 

From Gita point of view, there should be both enlightenment and encouragement. That's similar to Love and discipline.
I'm correlating discipline to enlightenment.
Discipline doesn't mean punishment. 
You did wrong- this is the punishment for you. No No. That's not the way. 
Discipline means actually telling why something should be done. 

Parents always say - We told him to do and he didn't do it. 
But why ? ? 

That means the child haven't understood it's importance. They haven't understood it's necessity. 

So, as a parent- it's our responsibility to explain them. 

Source: Internet.

Take Montessori Home - A Caring Parents Handbook by Indian Montessori Centre

Contact Indian Montessori Centre to get the book

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Mindful Parenting - Testimonial #1

As being a 'Mom' is not that easy task, Meditation helped me to see my life in a very different perspective. During my antenatal check up, when I visited obstetrician, she said it is not possible to have normal Labor due to the malposition of the fetus in the womb. Those were the days I used to meditate more and communicated with the baby which helped me to have a painless and uncomplicated delivery.

I, now enjoy each and every moment with my son Abhi who is nature's biggest gift to me.  

Says #SwathiKoneti, an engineering graduate who became a full time mom now and enjoying her motherhood through Meditation...

Tuesday 21 August 2018

4 Things for Soul's Evolution

  1. One should eat freshly prepared, hot, delicious vegetarian food
  2. One should keep listening to a lot of music
  3. One should increase their knowledge through reading books or through Sajana Sangatya
  4. One should practise Meditation daily

Saturday 18 August 2018

Guidelines for breastfeeding by Govt. of India


‘Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding- a Guide for the Parents’ is an essential guide for parents, to assist them to make an informed decision about feeding their babies. It provides latest and correct scientific knowledge on feeding a child.

The guide caters to mothers who feel they do not enough milk giving key information on how to increase their breast milk supply. It answers their concerns and difficulties related to feeding a baby. It also provides information on what food to give, how to feed and when to feed children above 6 months to 2 years for attaining best growth and health.

Covering nutrition in infancy through toddler years, the book answers some common questionsand myths related to feeding new born till 2 years of age.

This guide is book developed by BPNI, should be read during pregnancy.
Written by an expert group of pediatricians with scientific information; encapsulating experiences gained with women and babies over the years and is updated regularly.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

1 Million Screen-Free Activities for Kids

We want to give you endless options for fun and easy screen-free activities to enjoy with your young kids. This article is a never-ending work-in-progress. We will add five unique screen-free activities here every week. We challenge you to do those five each week or use them as a jumping-off place for screen-free fun.

Source :

Friday 10 August 2018

Important message to all the Parents

1. No Meat/Egg at home. Go Vegetarian

2. Keep reading Spiritual Books in children's presence

3. Keep doing Meditation in their presence