Tuesday 4 September 2018

Parenting Principles from Bhagavad Gita

There are two streams of thoughts that underline Krishna's message.

One is Enlightenment and the other is Encouragement. 
Enlightenment tells us what we should do. Not just what should we do, but also why should we do it . 
Along with that; Encouragement gives us the confidence that we can do it. 

When there is only enlightenment without encouragement.. When a parent says Do this. Well, I can't do it becomes an answer from.the child. They consider it as a command. 

On the other hand, if there is only encouragement without enlightenment- there will not be upliftment. 

Broadly speaking, Parents can be classified into 4 categories.
1) Parents are expected to; on one side offer love to their children and the other side also offer guidance. Offering guidance means also discipline. That is what you should do or this is what you should not do. 

2)And there are some parents', who offer neither love nor discipline. The child live in his own world and the parents will live in their own world. The parent will be busy watching TV all the day or busy with work and the child too will be busy with his own things. 

3) Next category of Parents offer love but no discipline. They say 'I love you, do whatever you want' . There is no guidance there. There is no enlightenment there. They give freedom without responsibility. Such child may end up standing in the middle of the road and thinks it is the correct way. Or end up hurting his friends.

4) The other kind offer only discipline and no love. Do that. Do this. This is authoritarian, that becomes dictatorial. Because the children are subordinate to parent, they may go down and obey but when they grow older they just rebel. 

From Gita point of view, there should be both enlightenment and encouragement. That's similar to Love and discipline.
I'm correlating discipline to enlightenment.
Discipline doesn't mean punishment. 
You did wrong- this is the punishment for you. No No. That's not the way. 
Discipline means actually telling why something should be done. 

Parents always say - We told him to do and he didn't do it. 
But why ? ? 

That means the child haven't understood it's importance. They haven't understood it's necessity. 

So, as a parent- it's our responsibility to explain them. 

Source: Internet.

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