Friday 23 November 2018

Medical Doctors and PhD Scientists Speak Out Against Vaccinations

Below is a list of videos (and some articles) where medical doctors and PhD scientists come forward to discuss the unhealthy effects of vaccines. Each professional presents documented research, facts and statistics to prove, when taken in its’ totality, that 1) vaccines aren’t safe 2) vaccines aren’t effective 3) vaccines haven’t been proven to increase immunity or resistance to disease and 4) that vaccines only decrease the health of the people they’re injected into. Vaccines are also proven and documented in many cases to kill instantly and cripple for life. The situations of instant child death and permanent injury, due to vaccination, are well documented in the linked information.

Source :
Doctors Warning Against Vaccines -
Vaccines and Their Direct Link to Autism -
The Polio Vaccine Lie Explained -
The HPV Gardasil Cervical Cancer Vaccine Fraud -
5 Vaccine Facts Very Few Are Aware Of -

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