Wednesday 12 September 2018

Mindful Parenting - Testimonial #3

I was introduced to ANAPANASATI meditation in the year 2012, soon all my family members started with meditation..

I was practicing meditation for 3-4 hours since I conceived.
In my entire period of pregnancy, I consumed daily 3 types of fruits, vegetables and more of green leafy vegetables. It gave me more lightness and freshness. I never got sick and never took any medications. I hardly had outside food, that too 3-4 times in my third trimester.

During the fourth month of pregnancy I met Patriji in my dreams and informed him about my pregnancy and he gifted me a beautiful angel.
Once in my meditation I saw a beautiful light violet flower blossoming and gave an intuition that a great soul is going to be born through me.

My husband communicated with the baby for 2-3 times in his dreams. I was constantly conversing with the baby and the baby was responding more to my veena practice, to my husband singing, to our delicious food preparations, to Partriji's audios and flute music.

I made affirmations to deliver baby normally and with the grace of the universe I delivered baby normally. Before going to labour ward I meditated for 3hrs and in labour ward also I was constantly observing my breath and gave birth conciously.

Along with my baby's birth, even I had taken rebirth as a mother where I started learning and implimenting new things in my motherhood with awareness.

In my post pregnancy from the day one, I used to place baby on my lap and was meditating for ten minutes and increased gradually.

Thanks to my baby for choosing me as his mother. Me and my husband are eagerly waiting to learn from this great soul.

And we both advice all pregnant ladies to meditate for at least 3-4hours a day; provide peaceful environment at home because this is very precious and sensitive period of every pregnancy; listen more of light music and spiritual audios; have more light and balanced food(self cooking is preferable), avoid outside food as much as possible.

For young parents, give complete freedom to your children; they know the road to their purpose, we just have to be the headlights of their vehicles during their journey. Initiate them into meditation at the age of five. To teach them spirituality, first we should implement spirituality. Kids are sharp observers and they follow what we do. They can sense our thoughts and emotions in infancy. Parents should give comfort and assurance to the children constantly.

Welcome happily and with lots of unconditional love to the coming masters.. And enjoy parenthood.

Says #SahanaSubramaniamdancer and a musician by passion..A young passionate mother who's giving her best to become a mindful and spiritual parent.


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