Wednesday 26 September 2018

Mindful Parenting - Testimonial #4

I started my Meditation practice from the year 2002, it is a great journey which completely transformed my life.

I have a 4 years old kid, his name is Amara. During pregnancy i was in complete communication with my baby. I used to talk to the baby continuously. I used to tell the baby that 'you will be healthy! strong! and I will have a easy and normal delivery'. It got manifested in the same way. I delivered Amara without huge pains and it was a normal delivery. I enjoyed the process of delivering him consciously, which is a grandest experience for any mother. It all happened due to my Meditation.

We decided not to give any vaccinations to him which poises his body. I believe firmly that Meditation and right food keeps us healthy always. I cook pure satvik vegetarian food all the three times in a day and serve him hot.

As every kid, my kid too is highly energetic. Understanding his energy needs to be properly channeled, i do lot of activities and doing by best to engage him continuously. Kids can do all the works a mother does in the kitchen; if we allow kids without stopping them, they become perfectionists and they learn a lot. Right from the age of 2, Amara used to engage himself in peeling, cutting vegetables, churning buttermilk, sorting veggies to different bags, pouring groceries into respective tins, mopping, watering plants etc., which he enjoys the most even now. Helping me in kitchen and engaging himself in cooking is a great activity for him. Not just cooking but he also enjoys serving food to guests and his dad especially. Kids in general, loves to take up responsibilities and want to be very independent and only matured parents can understand this early. They may be tiny in size but treat them as adults but with supervision allow them to do everything we do. By supporting them in everything they do we become good friends to them otherwise we only remain as parents forever by stopping all their activities and freedom.

Music plays a very important role in kids life, it keeps them calm, relaxed and balanced. Music player is always played in my home and this is a practice i developed from my pregnancy days. Amara keeps singing his own songs when he is deeply involved in performing any activities. He loves to learn and sing Bhagavad Gita everyday.

Amara has a personal library of 100+ books which is categorised into knowledge, Cognitive, Stories, Math & English and he spends effectively with books around 1 hour each day. We bought these books from ETL. Anything and everything he sees in the outside world has a section in those books which helps Amara to connect with them. Thanks to ETL.

Nature is the best place where kids can connect, learn, observe and enjoy to the core. I regularly take him to parks and nature places, thanks to South Bengaluru for so many parks. Amara loves to touch, feel and smell the fragrances of every flower; touching, hugging and climbing trees makes him feel like heaven, observing the birds and those chirps, watching insects gives him a great joy. Gardening activity is a must and should activity. His favourite place is Pyramid Valley, as it's known for it's place for Mother Nature and Meditational Energies with 160 feet Pyramid.

Painting with natural colours, painting with bare hands, playing with mud and clay, solving puzzles, playing with blocks are some of the activities he is involved everyday. Being busy in this natural world keeps him completely away from television, mobile phone and other gadgets. There are no toys in our home, every object is a toy for him.

The common complaint i hear from many parents is 'My kid is all time with phone or other gadgets, My kid gets bored easily, My kid throws or breaks things, My kid eats junk food a lot'. My only advise is engage them in natural activities and be an example above all. Parents should be very creative in bringing up the child so that their high energies can be channelised properly. Parenting is an art, its not a practice. Parents must stop using mobile phones and watching television too much to set as an example, kids learn by observation not by advices.

Parenting brought my inner child out and i started enjoying my life more and Amara made me a true Zen master. Happy Parenting!
Saya #Anitha, a good Meditator and Mother

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful madam. 🙏
    I'm sure, with your care, Amara will certainly be a guiding light to the society.
    The world requires more people like you.
