Monday 30 July 2018

What can your child learn from nature?

When children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength. ~ Maria Montessori


    Nowadays, children are spending more and more time indoors…think of all the developmental opportunities they’re missing!

    What can your child learn from nature?
    • As your child observes the way leaves move and sway in the wind, he is developing his vision
    • As your child hears the many layers of sound in nature, her hearing is stimulated
    • As your child smells the damp earth after the rain or fragrant spring flowers, his sense of smell awakens
    The feel of sand to bare feet or a cooling breeze in the heat of summer, the taste of sun-ripened fruit or a sprig of fresh mint, all of these sensations play a significant part in the child’s development through the senses.

    The senses, being the explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. ~ Maria Montessori 

    Source -

    Baby Talk: Communicating With Your Baby

    Babies love to communicate with their own form of baby talk. And they hope you will baby talk right back.


    Long before they can speak clearly, babies understand the general meaning of what you're saying. They also absorb emotional tone. Encourage baby's early attempts to communicate with you with loving attention. Smile often at your baby, especially when he is cooing, gurgling, or otherwise vocalizing with baby talk. 

    Right from the start, baby talk should be a two-way street. By imitating your baby, you'll send an important message: what he is feeling and trying to communicate matters to you.

    Babies love to hear you talk -- especially to them, and especially in a warm, happy voice. Babies learn to speak by imitating the sounds they hear around them. So the more you talk to your baby, the faster he will acquire speech and language skills.

    I like animals, all animals. I wouldn't hurt a cat or a dog - or a chicken or a cow. And I wouldn't ask someone else to hurt them for me. That's why I'm a vegetarian. Peter Dinklage
    Read more at:
    I like animals, all animals. I wouldn't hurt a cat or a dog - or a chicken or a cow. And I wouldn't ask someone else to hurt them for me. That's why I'm a vegetarian. Peter Dinklage
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    I like animals, all animals. I wouldn't hurt a cat or a dog - or a chicken or a cow. And I wouldn't ask someone else to hurt them for me. That's why I'm a vegetarian. Peter Dinklage
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    What are the two things that every parent must teach their children?

    Sunday 29 July 2018

    Baby's Brain Development !!

    From birth to four months, babies are universal linguists. They’re capable of distinguishing each of the 150 sounds that make up all the languages in the world

    Brain Development:
    At eight months, a baby’s brain has a thousand trillion nerve connections. By the age of 10, that number reduces to just 500 trillion, or even less. Early experiences impact the reduction in nerve connections. Our brain operates on a ‘use it or lose it’ basis.

    What parents can do?

    “The most important thing that parents can do is talk and read to their children. During the toddler and preschool years, it is critical to provide children with different language and reading experiences.”

    ~Dr. Reid Lyon, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

    Reading to your newborn is a must !!

    It's never too early. Babies recognize their mother's voice in the womb, so why not make reading aloud a habit while you're still pregnant?

    And once your baby arrives, reading to your newborn is a must. Your baby won't understand your words, but hearing your voice stimulates an interest in sounds and helps him develop listening skills.

    No matter what your baby's age, reading together is a great opportunity for cuddling and bonding. By developing a regular reading routine from the start, books become a natural part of your child's day – one that he'll associate with fun.

    Research shows that reading actually aids in brain development, especially in your child’s first five years of life. When kids are read to, their brain cells are literally turned on, and existing links among brain cells are strengthened and new cell links are formed.

    Babies can add before they can count !!

    Babies can add before they can count. They can understand a hundred words before they can speak. And at three months, their power of memory is far greater than we ever imagined.”                                                                                                                       

    ~Life Magazine

    Monday 23 July 2018

    Why choose a Montessori Education for your kid?


    Have you ever noticed that when you’re among a group of children, though they may be similar in age, no two children are the same? They are different heights and weights. There are vastly different activity levels. Some are shy and stay near a parent, while others seem to be fearless risk takers. There are early and late bloomers, visual, auditory and tactile learners, and even big differences depending on external factors such as how much sleep they got last night or how much sugar was (or wasn’t) in their breakfast cereal.

    Now, imagine trying to put these very different children together and offer them all the same lesson at the same time. What’s going to happen? You’re likely to have some children that are interested and ready to learn that particular lesson. But what about those for whom the lesson is too difficult or too easy? What about the children who are simply not in that developmental stage right now, but will be a few months from now? This one-size-fits-all technique is almost hit or miss. Maybe the child will benefit from this lesson, and maybe they won’t. How do you know?

    Maria Montessori understood all these learning differences and created an environment for children where they come in each day and choose what they are developmentally ready to work on. When the child chooses his own lessons, he is genuinely interested in learning. And this is how the child learns to follow his own “inner teacher.”


    Friday 20 July 2018

    No Vaccination

    "The best vaccine against common infectious diseases, is an Adequate Diet."

    ~ World Health Organization 

    A little baby is born and immediately given a set of vaccinations. These vaccinations are drugs. They are poisons. They are diseased chemicals. You are injecting the little baby with viruses, drugs, chemicals, and disease. The baby's immune system begins to act in a totally unnatural way and becomes very susceptible to bacteria. Virtually every child, then, gets infections, primarily an ear infection. These infections were caused by the vaccines themselves. The doctor then prescribes more drugs in the form of antibiotics.

    The damage that has been caused so far by vaccinations is considerable and surpasses many times the problems that could possibly arise from having no immunization program whatsoever. Many natural ways are available to acquire immunity. All the procedures and natural remedies described in this book can assist you and your family in maintaining natural immunity against disease throughout life. "The best vaccine against common infectious diseases," according to the World Health Organization, is "an adequate diet."

    A New Zealand study disclosed that 23% of vaccinated children develop asthma compared to zero in unvaccinated children.

    For more details, refer to the below links: